Density of commonly used liquids

by:Sure     2021-08-06
The density of the liquid (unit: 103 kg/m3, those not specified are at room temperature) name density name density gasoline 0.70 ammonia 0.93 ether 0.71 sea water 1. 03 oil 0.76 milk 1. 03 alcohol 0 79 Acetic acid 1. 049 Wood spirit (0℃) 0.80 Human blood 1. 054 Kerosene 0.80 Hydrochloric acid (40%) 1. 20 Turpentine 0.855 Density of anhydrous liquid (unit: 103 kg/m3, Those not specified are at room temperature) Name Density Name Density Gasoline 0.70 Ammonia 0.93 Diethyl ether 0.71 Sea water 1. 03 Petroleum 0.76 Milk 1. 03 Alcohol 0.79 Acetic acid 1. 049 Wood essence (0℃) 0. 80 human blood 1. 054 kerosene 0. 80 hydrochloric acid (40%) 1. 20 turpentine 0. 855 anhydrous glycerin (0°C) 1. 26 benzene 0.88 carbon disulfide (0°C) 1. 29 mineral oil (lubricating Oil) 0.9-0. 93 Honey 1. 40 Vegetable oil 0.9-0. 93 Nitric acid (91%) 1. 50 Olive oil 0.92 Sulfuric acid (87%) 1. 80 Cod liver oil 0.945 Bromine (0℃ ) 3. 12 Castor oil 0.97 Mercury 13. 6 Water (0°C) 0.999867 Water (20°C) 0.998229 Water (2°C) 0.999968 Water (40°C) 0.992244 Water (4°C) 1. 000000 water (60°C) 0.983237 water (18°C) 0.998621 water (100°C) 0.958375
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