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Representation of temperature

by:Sure     2021-08-12
1. Thermodynamic temperature is a basic physical quantity, its symbol is T, the unit name is Kelvin, and the unit symbol is K. 2. Celsius temperature is derived from thermodynamic temperature, which is also thermodynamic temperature. The symbol for Celsius temperature is t, the unit name is Celsius, and the unit symbol is ℃. 3. The relationship between thermodynamic temperature and Celsius temperature is Tu003d t+273.151, thermodynamic temperature is a basic physical quantity, its symbol is T, the unit name is Kelvin, and the unit symbol is K. 2. Celsius temperature is derived from thermodynamic temperature, which is also thermodynamic temperature. The symbol for Celsius temperature is t, the unit name is Celsius, and the unit symbol is ℃. 3. The relationship between the thermodynamic temperature and the Celsius temperature is Tu003dt+273.15. The two temperatures are essentially the same, both are thermodynamic temperatures, but the starting point for calculating the temperature is different, and they only differ from each other by a constant 273.15. 4. The 1990 International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) defines two temperatures at the same time. They are the international Kelvin temperature and the international temperature in degrees Celsius. The symbols are T90 and t90. The unit name, symbol and conversion relationship are the same as above.
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