Precautions for filter use

by:Sure     2021-08-14
1. The filter can only be used at the rated voltage/frequency indicated on the nameplate. 2. The filter should be maintained at regular intervals. Before cleaning and maintenance, be sure to disconnect the power supply of the filter. 3. Please make sure that the wire plug is not wet during cleaning, otherwise the plug must be wiped dry before turning on the power again. 4. Do not unplug the power cord with wet hands. 5. Filter 1. The filter can only be used at the rated voltage/frequency indicated on the nameplate. 2. The filter should be maintained at regular intervals. Before cleaning and maintenance, be sure to disconnect the power supply of the filter. 3. Please make sure that the wire plug is not wet during cleaning, otherwise the plug must be wiped dry before turning on the power again. 4. Do not unplug the power cord with wet hands. 5. The filter is only used in indoor aquariums. 6. If the filter is damaged, especially when the power cord is damaged, it cannot be used. 7. Please make sure that the filter is working at the correct water level. The filter cannot be used without water. 8. Do not disassemble or repair the filter privately to avoid danger or damage to the body. The repair of the filter should be carried out by professionals.
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