Thermocouple type

by:Sure     2021-08-12
There are 8 types of standardized thermocouples in the world, namely: R type: platinum rhodium 13-platinum thermocouple S type: platinum rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple B type: platinum rhodium 30-platinum rhodium 6 thermocouple K type: nickel chromium -Ni-Si (Ni-Al) Thermocouple Type N: NiCrSi-NiSi Thermocouple Type E: NiCr-Constantan Thermocouple Type J: Iron-Constantan Thermocouple Type T: Copper-Constantan Thermocouple Among them The positive electrode is denoted by P. Before the negative electrode is N, there are 8 standardized thermocouples in the world, namely: R type: platinum rhodium 13-platinum thermocouple S type: platinum rhodium 10-platinum thermocouple B type: platinum rhodium 30-platinum rhodium 6 Thermocouple Type K: Ni-Cr-Ni-Si (Ni-Al) Thermocouple Type N: Ni-Cr-Si-Ni-Si Thermocouple Type E: Ni-Cr-Constantan Thermocouple Type J: Iron-Constantan Thermocouple Type T :Copper-Constantan thermocouple, where the positive pole is represented by P and the negative pole is represented by N. The positive component is written on the front as usual. The S-type thermocouple is a precious metal thermocouple. Its positive electrode is a platinum-rhodium alloy, which contains 10% rhodium, and the negative electrode is 99.99% pure platinum. The positive electrode is harder than the negative electrode. The accuracy of the S-type thermocouple is the highest among all thermocouples. The temperature range is (-270~1372)℃, the maximum temperature for long-term use is 1300℃, and the maximum temperature for short-term use is 1600℃. K-type thermocouple is a cheap metal thermocouple that is widely used. my country has basically replaced the nickel-chromium-nickel-aluminum thermocouple with a nickel-chromium-nickel-silicon thermocouple. The positive electrode is not magnetic, and the negative electrode is slightly magnetic. The accuracy of the S-type thermocouple is the highest among all thermocouples. The temperature range is (-20~1768)℃, the highest temperature for long-term use is 1200℃, and the highest temperature for short-term use is 1300℃.
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