Development and Reform Commission listed electrophoresis mass spectrometer as a technology to encourage imports

by:Sure     2021-08-23
All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning, development and reform commissions, finance departments (bureaus), commerce authorities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Development and Reform Commission, finance bureaus, and commerce bureaus:    In order to actively expand advanced technologies, key equipment and components and important For the import of resource products and raw materials, in accordance with the work arrangements of the State Council, the 'Catalogue of Encouraging Imported Technologies and Products (2009 Edition)' is formulated. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:   The Catalogue of Encouraged Imported Technologies and Products (2009 Edition) is divided into four parts:   The first part is the important equipment that is encouraged to be imported. Refers to the important equipment that is not currently able to be developed and manufactured in China, which is urgently needed in various fields of the national economy, and the key parts and components that cannot be produced in the country are imported for the important technical equipment that the country encourages to develop. Provide discount support for the import of such products.   The second part is resource products and raw materials. Encourage the import of resource products and raw materials, and provide discount support for their imports.   The third part is to encourage the development of key industries. Mainly from the 'Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalogue (2005 Edition)' the encouraged category, and the 'State Council's Several Opinions on Accelerating the Revitalization of the Equipment Manufacturing Industryindustry. Provide discount support for imported production equipment and parts (except products in the non-duty-free product catalog) under investment projects that comply with national industrial policies and special plans. Due to the large number of equipment and parts involved, the import discount of this part of equipment and parts shall be carried out with reference to the tax reduction and exemption management method of imported equipment for encouraged investment projects.   The fourth part is to encourage the introduction of advanced technology. Mainly refers to the advanced technology that has not yet been mastered in the country, and the advanced technology introduced by the key construction projects approved or approved by the state. The introduction of technology refers to the act of importing foreign advanced proprietary technologies or patents through buyout or licensing, or obtaining independent intellectual property rights and mastering advanced proprietary technologies through cooperative development. Provide discount support for the introduction of such advanced technologies.   This notice will be implemented from the date of issuance, and the 'Notice on Issuing the Catalog of Encouraging Technologies and Products for Import' (Fagai Industry [2007] No. 2515) of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Commerce shall be repealed at the same time. The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Commerce will adjust the catalog in due course according to the needs of the situation.
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