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Vortex flowmeter prospects

by:Sure     2021-08-06
Regardless of its theoretical basis or practical experience, it is still poor. In the next few years, the biggest problem in the development of vortex flowmeter technology is how to resist the problems of noise and vibration used in actual production. The vortex flowmeter is still a developing flowmeter. As the technology of vortex flowmeter is immature from time to time, the user's acceptance level and technical level are gradually improved, and the vortex flowmeter will gradually get young regardless of its theoretical foundation or poor practical experience. In the next few years, the biggest problem in the development of vortex flowmeter technology is how to resist the problems of noise and vibration used in actual production. The vortex flowmeter is still a developing flowmeter. As the technology of the vortex flowmeter is naive from time to time, and the user's acceptance and technical level are gradually improved, the vortex flowmeter will gradually be used naively. The technical threshold for mass flow meters is relatively high. The biggest obstacle to the expansion of mass flow meter application is the price problem. In the decades of development of mass flow meters, they are different from electromagnetic and vortex flow meters. Suppliers from other villages have not specifically mastered high-end mass flow meter production technology. Therefore, the price of mass flowmeters remains high. Except for the widely used applications in the petroleum and petrochemical industry, other industries have fewer applications due to price restrictions. At present, mainstream foreign mass flowmeter suppliers have also seen such market demand, and low-end mass flowmeter products have begun to be promoted in the market. From the perspective of mass flowmeter technology, the caliber of mass flowmeters is getting larger and larger, and can be used on various large-diameter pipelines.
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