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The working principle of anemometer

by:Sure     2021-08-04
Working principle: 1. The basic principle of measuring wind speed It uses the calorimetric principle to measure wind speed. The sensitive element for measuring wind speed is a hot ball with a diameter of about 0.8mm, so it is also called a hot ball anemometer. 2. Basic measuring range and accuracy 1. Wind speed: 0.05~30m/s, 3% (4%U shows the lowest 5 characters) 2. Wind temperature: 0~40℃, the error is not more than 0.5℃ 3. Working with relative humidity Principle: 1. The basic principle of measuring wind speed adopts calorimetric principle to measure wind speed. The sensitive element for measuring wind speed is a hot ball with a diameter of about 0.8mm, so it is also called a hot ball anemometer. 2. Basic range and accuracy 1. Wind speed: 0.05~30m/s, ±3% (4%U± shows the lowest 5 characters) 2. Wind temperature: 0~40℃, the error is not more than 0.5℃ 3. Relative Humidity: 0~100%RH, the error is not more than 5%RH. The smart anemometer is a series of meters that combines wind speed measurement as its basic function and adds multiple functions such as air volume calculation, temperature measurement and relative temperature. This is a portable, intelligent, and multi-functional basic instrument for low wind speed measurement. It is used in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, environmental protection, energy saving monitoring, meteorology, agriculture, refrigeration, drying, labor hygiene investigation, clean workshop, chemical fiber Widely used in textiles, various wind speed laboratories, etc.
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