How to select the glass rotor flowmeter

by:Sure     2021-08-15
The glass rotor flowmeter can be roughly divided into: ordinary type, ribbed type, corrosion-resistant type, heat preservation type, alarm type and high-pressure resistant type according to its purpose and scope of application. The caliber is from 2 mm to 100 mm, and the measurable flow range is: liquid 0.4 ml/min~40 cubic meters/hour, gas 6 ml/min~1000 cubic meters/hour. According to the situation encountered in actual work, the glass rotor flowmeter can be roughly divided into: ordinary type, ribbed type, corrosion-resistant type, insulation type, alarm type and high-pressure resistant type according to its purpose and scope of application. The caliber is from 2 mm to 100 mm, and the measurable flow range is: liquid 0.4 ml/min~40 cubic meters/hour, gas 6 ml/min~1000 cubic meters/hour. The following introduces several considerations for choosing a glass rotameter according to the situation encountered in actual work for your reference in your work. 1. The working conditions of the measured object of the glass rotor flow include the type of measuring medium, pressure, chemical properties, temperature and so on. For example, whether the measuring medium is a liquid medium or a gaseous medium, and whether it is corrosive, for corrosive medium, anticorrosive glass rotameter should be selected. 2. The performance of the glass rotor flow meter under the working conditions of the object being measured. After the above conditions are basically determined, generally speaking, if the price does not change much, the glass rotor flowmeter with needle-type regulating valve can be preferred. Those with larger flow holes have direct flow scale, simple structure, smaller external dimensions, and so on. If it is a small flow range, the ball float type should be used as much as possible, because it has the advantages of stable measurement, not easy to accumulate dust, high accuracy, and good interchangeability.
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