Introduction of Bar Flowmeter

by:Sure     2021-08-20
In the industrial process measurement industry, the flowmeter is a very important measuring element, which together with temperature, pressure and level meters constitute four thermal control measuring instruments. According to different working principles, flow meters can be divided into mass flow meters, electromagnetic, vortex, ultrasonic, thermal, differential pressure, rotor and turbine volume flow meters. Differential pressure flow meters include orifice plates and nozzles. In the industrial process measurement industry, flow meters are a very important measuring element. Together with temperature, pressure and level meters, they form four thermal control measuring instruments. According to different working principles, flow meters can be divided into mass flow meters, electromagnetic, vortex, ultrasonic, thermal, differential pressure, rotor and turbine volume flow meters. Differential pressure flow meters include orifice, nozzle, venturi, inner cone, bar type (average velocity tube) and other flow meters. They have a common feature, that is, they measure the differential pressure value of the upstream and downstream of the fluid in the pipeline. , And then calculate the volume flow of the pipeline fluid through the relationship between the differential pressure and the flow rate. Of course, it must use a differential pressure transmitter to achieve 4-20mA signal output. Among the differential pressure flow meters, the bar type (average velocity tube) is a more popular product in recent years, especially the imported Annubar (Anubar), Delta Bar, Vera Bar and Itebar because of their pressure loss. Low, easy to install, good repeatability, etc., especially in the measurement of large pipe diameters, it has great advantages. At present, many domestic users, including many professionals, do not have a clear understanding of Annubar, Verabar, Etaba and Deltaba products, and even think that all bar products are called Annubar or Verabar. In fact, this It is a big misunderstanding. The Bar type flowmeter was developed based on the Pitot tube speed measurement principle. It was first manufactured by the American DIETERICH company in 1968, and the first set was used at Chicago Airport in the United States. In order to facilitate sales, they registered the product as ANNUBAR (Annubar or Athuiba). Later, DIETERICH was acquired by ROSEMOUNT. When the product entered China in the 1980s, it was loved by users, and many domestic factories began to copy it. It also calls itself Annubar, but in fact it can only be called Pitot tube or Speed u200bu200bTube, because Annubar is a registered trademark of others. During this period, probably in the late 1980s and early 1990s, some foreign companies that had early access to ANNUBAR products through learning and improvement introduced ITABAR, VERABAR, and TORBAR DELTABAR ( Del Taba) and so on.
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