Application of temperature recorder in testing and certification industry

by:Sure     2021-08-20
With China's entry into the WTO, the country's requirements for product quality and safety have become more and more stringent. If household electrical appliances are to be circulated in the market, they must pass 3C certification, among which temperature rise testing is an important item in the testing items of major inspection bureaus or certification centers. In the national standard GB4706.1-2005/IEC60335-1:2004, there are regulations on heating and winding temperature rise. For example, 11.1 As China enters the WTO, the country has stricter and stricter requirements on product quality and safety. If household electrical appliances want to circulate in the market, they must pass 3C certification, among which temperature rise testing is an important item in the testing items of major inspection bureaus or certification centers. In the national standard GB4706.1-2005/IEC60335-1:2004, there are regulations on heating and winding temperature rise, such as '11.1 In normal use, the appliance and its surrounding environment should not reach excessively high temperatures; 2. In the home appliance industry With the introduction of China’s current policy of sending home appliances to the countryside, the country has put forward higher requirements for household appliances in the rural market to effectively protect the interests of farmers in choosing good products and buying products with confidence. According to relevant experts in the home appliance industry, home appliances The expansion of the rural area project will bring about 30 billion yuan of domestic demand. Therefore, with the current difficulties in exporting home appliances and the inventory pressure caused by poor exports, the macro-control of home appliances going to the countryside to stimulate domestic demand is undoubtedly for home appliance companies. It is a new opportunity that brings a turnaround. At the same time, the special market environment of the rural market also puts forward higher quality requirements for home appliances that go to the countryside. The key to how companies can win by surprise in the face of this opportunity is to rely on quality. Guarantee. The best way is to do it in accordance with the standards of the inspection bureau, one is to use the inspection standards of the inspection bureau, and the other is to use the instruments used by the inspection bureau. The temperature recorder can help the company to obtain the product quality trust and pass the national inspection smoothly. , So as to achieve the smooth sales of the product. This can effectively save the cost and time of the test and ensure the quality of the product.
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