Standardized performance of control valves

by:Sure     2021-08-20
The standardization of control valves is manifested in the following aspects. ① In order to achieve interchangeability, the control valves produced by different manufacturers of the same size and specifications can be interchanged, so that users do not have to spend a lot of time in choosing a manufacturer. ②In order to achieve interoperability, control valves produced by different manufacturers should be able to work with other manufacturers' products, and there will be no signal mismatch or standardization of impedance control valves in the following aspects. ① In order to achieve interchangeability, the control valves produced by different manufacturers of the same size and specifications can be interchanged, so that users do not have to spend a lot of time in choosing a manufacturer. ②In order to achieve interoperability, control valves produced by different manufacturers should be able to work with other manufacturers' products without signal mismatch or impedance mismatch. ③Standardized diagnostic software and other auxiliary software enable control valves of different manufacturers to perform operating status diagnosis and operating data analysis. ④Standardized selection procedure. Control valve selection is still a problem that the automatic control designer is very concerned about. Using standardized calculation procedures, according to the data provided by the process, the flow coefficient of the required control valve can be correctly calculated, the piping can be determined, and the appropriate valve body, spool and valve can be selected. The materials of internal parts, etc., standardize the design process and improve the design quality. (2) Miniaturization. In order to reduce the weight of the control valve and facilitate transportation, installation and maintenance, the miniaturization of the control valve adopts the following measures. ①Using fine and small actuators. Lightweight materials are used, and multiple sets of springs are used instead of one set of springs to reduce the height of the actuator. Generally, a control valve composed of a small pneumatic diaphragm actuator is about 30% lower in height than a control valve composed of a same type of pneumatic diaphragm actuator. It is reduced by about 30%, and the circulation capacity can be increased by about 30%. ② Change the flow path structure. For example, changing the movement of the valve core to the movement of the valve seat, changing the linear displacement to angular displacement, etc., reduces the volume and weight of the control valve. ③Using electric actuators. It can not only reduce the air source device and auxiliary equipment required by the pneumatic actuator, but also reduce the weight of the actuator. For example, Fisher's 9000 series electric actuators have a height of type 20 less than 330mm, which reduces the quality of the entire control valve (with digital controller and actuator) to 20~32kg. (3) Rotation is due to rotary control valves, such as Ball valves, etc., have the advantages of relatively small size, small flow path resistance, relatively large adjustment, better sealing, better anti-blocking performance, and greater flow capacity. Therefore, in the new varieties of control valves, the rotary valve The proportion increases. Especially in large-diameter pipelines, ball valves, butterfly valves and other types of control valves are commonly used. From the perspective of foreign products in recent years, the proportion of rotary valve applications is increasing year by year.
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