Germany invents sensors to monitor crop thirst

by:Sure     2021-08-21
This sensor is mainly composed of two button battery-like magnetic components, one of which contains a pressure-sensitive chip. As long as a crop leaf that is the subject of spot checks is sandwiched between these two components, monitoring can be carried out. The working principle of the sensor is that when the crop leaves stand upright due to sufficient water supply, the pressure-sensitive chip will sense a small pressure. When the leaves wilt due to insufficient water supply, this sensor is mainly composed of two button battery-like magnetic components, one of which is A pressure-sensitive chip is installed in the component. As long as a crop leaf that is the subject of spot checks is sandwiched between these two components, monitoring can be carried out. The working principle of the sensor is that when the crop leaves stand upright due to sufficient water supply, the pressure-sensitive chip will sense a smaller pressure, and when the leaves are halted due to insufficient water supply, the chip will record a higher pressure. The pressure data thus measured will be transmitted to a mobile phone-sized transmitter fixed on the stalks of nearby crops via a data line, and the transmitter can send the data to a remote control terminal through a signal, thereby realizing online data analysis. The research and development personnel of the device said that the previous methods of using sensors to monitor soil water content and guide irrigation cannot directly reflect the actual thirst of crops. The new sensor enables people to monitor the moisture content of crops in real time through portable computers or even mobile phones. If this small monitoring system is connected to an automatic irrigation system, the crops can be automatically irrigated quantitatively in time as needed. According to estimates by researchers from the University of Würzburg, this sensor system can help people irrigate crops more accurately on demand, so it can save about 30% of irrigation water, and it can also help avoid droughts caused by over-irrigation. Land salinization in hot areas. At present, researchers have produced samples of this magnetic sensor and are testing it. Usually, only three or four such sensors are installed per hectare of land, and their service life is one crop growing season.
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