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Commonly used terms of instrumentation

by:Sure     2021-08-08
Performance characteristic performance characteristic Determine the relevant parameters and quantitative expressions of the functions and capabilities of instruments and meters. Reference performance characteristic The performance characteristic achieved under reference working conditions. Range range A range of a quantity defined by the upper and lower limits. Note: Modifiers are usually added to the range. For example, performance characteristic, related parameters and quantitative expressions that determine the functions and capabilities of instruments and meters. Reference performance characteristic The performance characteristic achieved under reference working conditions. Range range A range of a quantity defined by the upper and lower limits. Note: Modifiers are usually added to the'scope'. For example: measuring range, scale range. It can be applied to the measured or working conditions. Measuring range measuring range The measured range that is measured according to the specified accuracy (precision). The lower limit of the measuring range measuring range lower limit The minimum value of the measured value that is measured with the specified accuracy (precision). The upper limit of the measuring range measuring range higher limit The maximum value of the measured value that is measured with the specified accuracy (precision). Span The algebraic difference between the upper limit and the lower limit of the range. For example: when the range is from -20°C to 100°C, the range is 120°C. Scale scale An ordered set of scale marks and all related numbers forming part of the indicating device. Scale range scale range The range limited by the start point value and end point value of the scale. Scale mark scale mark indicates a scale line or other mark on the device corresponding to one or more determined measured values. Note: For digital indication, the number itself is equivalent to the scale mark. Zero [scale] mark zero scale mark Synonym: zero scale line. A scale mark or scale line marked with a'zero' number on the dial (board). Scale division scale division The part of the scale between any two adjacent scale marks. Value of scale division is also called division value. The difference between the measured values u200bu200bcorresponding to two adjacent scale marks in the scale. Scale spacing, length of a scale division The distance between the center lines of any two adjacent scale marks measured along the same line segment representing the length of the scale. Scale length scale length On a given scale, the length of the line segment passing through the midpoint of all the shortest marks between the beginning and the end of the scale mark. Note: This line segment can be a real or imaginary curve or straight line. Scale starting point value minimum scale value The measured value corresponding to the scale starting point mark. Scale end value maximum scale value The measured value corresponding to the scale end mark. Scale number scale numbering The whole set of numbers marked on the scale, which corresponds to the measured value determined by the scale mark, or only indicates the numerical sequence of the scale mark. Linear scale linear scale A scale in which the interval of each division and the corresponding division value are in a constant proportional relationship.
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