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Mortar density meter use

by:Sure     2021-08-18
Determine the mass density of the mortar mixture after tamping to determine the actual amount of constituent materials per cubic meter of the mortar mixture. 2. Structural parameters The inner diameter of the measuring cylinder. . 108mm net height. . 109mm tube wall thickness. . 2mm volume. . 1L 3. Test step 1. Before the test, weigh out the volume of the cylinder to the accuracy of 5g, then cover the funnel of the volume cylinder, fill the volume with the mortar mixture, and determine the mass density of the mortar mixture after tamping to determine the density per cubic meter The actual amount of constituent materials in the mortar mixture. 2. Structural parameters, the inner diameter of the measuring cylinder. . 108mm net height. . 109mm tube wall thickness. . 2mm volume. . 1L 3. Test step 1. Before the test, weigh out the volumetric cylinder weight to the accuracy of 5g, then cover the funnel of the volumetric cylinder, and fill the volumetric cylinder with the mortar mixture with a little surplus. According to the consistency test method, use the ramming method or the vibration method respectively, and add the mortar until it is full. 2. Scrape off the excess mortar mixture at the mouth of the cylinder to make the surface smooth, then wipe the outer wall of the volumetric cylinder, and weigh the total weight of the mortar and the volumetric cylinder to the nearest 5g. 3. The mass density ρ of the mortar mixture is calculated according to the following formula: where m1-the mass of the volumetric cylinder (kg) m2--the mass of the volumetric cylinder and the sample (kg) V-----capacity The cylinder volume (L) result is determined by the arithmetic average of the two tests, and the calculation is accurate to 10kg/m3. The test involves cement testing instruments: NJ-160 cement paste mixer, JJ-5 cement mortar mixer, ZS-15 cement mortar vibrating table, 40*40mm cement compression fixture, FZ-31A lightning boiling Boiler, DKZ-500 type cement electric anti-bending machine, NLD-3 type cement mortar fluidity tester, FYS-150B type negative pressure sieve analyzer, LD-50 type Leigh clamp tester, LJ-175 type mine Clamp, PE60*100 type jaw crusher, SMφ500*500 type cement test mill, Ф175 disc grinder, cement slurry standard consistency and setting time tester (Vicat meter), BY160 cement ratio length meter, SHBY -40A type cement mortar specimen curing box, (40B) type cement standard curing box, BYS type constant temperature and humidity curing room controller, 10KG cement sample barrel, SBT-9 type automatic Burt air permeability tester, CZF-6 cement composition tester, Ca-5 cement free calcium oxide tester, CCL-5 chloride ion analyzer, AMT-1 cement paste Marsh time automatic tester, DL sulfur trioxide tester, SHR -650Ⅱ cement hydration heat tester, autoclave for cement stability test.
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