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Common problems in the use of vortex flowmeters

by:Sure     2021-08-09
The vortex flowmeter refers to the application of the HLUG series of intelligent vortex flowmeters, which are mainly used for the flow measurement of industrial pipeline fluids, such as gas, liquid, vapor and other media. It is characterized by small pressure loss, large measuring range, and high accuracy. It is hardly affected by fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity and other parameters when measuring volume flow under working conditions. There are no moving mechanical parts, so the high reliability vortex flowmeter refers to the application of the HLUG series of intelligent vortex flowmeters, which are mainly used for flow measurement of industrial pipeline fluids, such as gases, liquids, vapors and other media. It is characterized by small pressure loss, large measuring range, and high accuracy. It is hardly affected by fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity and other parameters when measuring volume flow under working conditions. There are no movable mechanical parts, so the reliability is high and the maintenance is small. The instrument parameters can be stable for a long time. This instrument adopts piezoelectric stress sensor, which has high reliability and can work in the working temperature range of -20℃~+250℃. It has analog standard signal and digital pulse signal output. It is easy to use with digital systems such as computers. It is a relatively advanced and ideal flow meter. The main problems are: ①the indication is not accurate for a long time; ②there is no indication; ③the indication fluctuates in a large range and cannot be read; ④the indication does not return to zero; ⑤there is no indication when the flow rate is small; ⑥the indication is OK when the flow rate is large, but the flow rate is small The indication is inaccurate at the time; ⑦The indication change cannot keep up when the flow changes; ⑧The K coefficient of the instrument cannot be determined, and the data in many places are inconsistent. It took nearly half a year to analyze and solve the main problems. Due to the complexity of the problems, there are different degrees of problems in the installation, parameter setting, routine maintenance, and operating environment. Many problems are related to each other. The solution of some of the above problems requires waiting for a certain time of process operation, which brings great difficulties to the solution of the problem. Some problems are caused by several different reasons, and some reasons are related to several different problems. Summarize the main reasons for these problems, mainly related to the following aspects: 1, the selection of the problem. Some vortex sensors choose a larger size due to changes in process conditions or after design and selection. The actual selection should be as small as possible to improve measurement accuracy. The reasons for this are mainly the same. Questions ①, ③, and ⑥ are related. For example, a vortex pipeline is designed to be used by several equipment. Because some equipment in the process is sometimes not used, the current flow rate in actual use is reduced. Actual use causes the original design to select a diameter that is too large, which is equivalent to an increase in the measurable flow rate. The lower limit, the indication cannot be guaranteed when the flow of the process pipeline is small, and it can be used when the flow is large, because sometimes it is too difficult to rebuild. Changes in process conditions are only temporary. It can be combined with the re-tuning of the parameters to improve the accuracy of the indication. 2. Problems with installation. The main reason is that the straight pipe section in front of the sensor is not long enough, which affects the measurement accuracy. The reason for this is mainly related to the problem ①. For example, the straight pipe section in front of the second-pass FIC203 sensor is obviously insufficient. Since FIC203 is not used for measurement, but only for control, the current accuracy can be used equivalent to degraded use. 3. The reason for the parameter setting direction. Due to the parameter error, the indicator indication is wrong. The parameter error makes the calculation of the full-scale frequency of the secondary meter wrong. The reason for this is mainly related to the problems ① and ③. The same full-scale frequency makes the indication inaccurate for a long time, and the actual full-scale frequency is too much. The calculated full-scale frequency makes the indication fluctuate in a wide range and cannot be read. The inconsistency of the parameters in the data affects the final determination of the parameters, and finally passed Re-calibration combined with mutual comparison to determine the parameters and solve this problem. 4. The secondary instrument is faulty. There are many faults in this part, including: there is a disconnection on the circuit board of the instrument, the display of individual digits in the range setting is broken, and the display of individual digits in the K coefficient setting is broken, making it impossible to determine the range setting and K coefficient setting. Part of the reason is mainly related to problems ① and ②. The problem is solved by fixing the corresponding fault. 5. The four-way line connection problem. On the surface of some circuits, the circuit connection is very good. Check carefully. Some joints are actually loose and the circuit is interrupted. Although some joints are tightly connected, the fastening screws are fastened to the wire skin due to the secondary line problem, which also makes the circuit. Interruption, this part of the reason is mainly related to the problem ②
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