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Characteristics of flow measurement in the steel industry

by:Sure     2021-08-20
The iron and steel industry is a big energy consumer. A large amount of fuel is burned in various furnaces, and combustion-supporting air is also needed. Some are oxygen-enriched combustion and need to be blown in oxygen. Some furnaces burn to produce a large amount of raw gas, which is sent to other furnaces as fuel after washing and dust removal. Therefore, combustion-supporting gas flow, coal gas flow, flue gas flow, etc. account for a large proportion. These measurement objects are energy intensive in the iron and steel industry. Large amounts of fuel are burned in various furnaces, and combustion-supporting air is also required. Some are oxygen-enriched combustion and require oxygen to be blown in. Some furnaces burn to produce a large amount of raw gas, which is sent to other furnaces as fuel after washing and dust removal. Therefore, combustion-supporting gas flow, coal gas flow, flue gas flow, etc. account for a large proportion. These measurement objects have low fluid pressure, low flow rate, and low density. The pipe diameter is large, it is difficult to accurately measure, especially the gas, which often has high water content and dust content, some also contains tar, and some gas pipelines have inexhaustible water. These require the meter to have adaptability. , Can not affect the measurement due to the precipitation of condensate, and can not malfunction due to dust. Factory-made water flow measurement objects also have their own characteristics. The measurement results are mostly used for process monitoring and control. The accuracy is not high, but the stability and reliability are high. Sometimes the caliber is large, and the uniform velocity tube differential pressure flowmeter and the clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter are often used.
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