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Application of pressure gauge

by:Sure     2021-08-06
In the process of industrial process control and technical measurement, mechanical pressure gauges are more and more widely used due to their high mechanical strength and convenient production characteristics due to their elastic sensitive components. The elastic sensitive element in the mechanical pressure gauge undergoes elastic deformation as the pressure changes. The mechanical pressure gauge uses spring tube (Bourdon tube) and diaphragm. In the process of industrial process control and technical measurement, the elastic sensitive element of the mechanical pressure gauge has high mechanical strength and convenient production characteristics, which makes the mechanical pressure Tables are used more and more widely. The elastic sensitive element in the mechanical pressure gauge undergoes elastic deformation as the pressure changes. Mechanical pressure gauges use sensitive components such as spring tubes (Bourdon tubes), diaphragms, bellows and bellows, and are classified according to this. The measured pressure is generally regarded as relative pressure. Generally, the relative point is selected as atmospheric pressure. The elastic deformation of the elastic element under the action of the medium pressure is amplified by the gear transmission mechanism of the pressure gauge, and the pressure gauge will display the relative value (high or low) relative to the atmospheric pressure. The pressure value in the measurement range is displayed by the pointer, and the indication range of the dial is generally made 270 degrees.
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