About the calibration of the instrument

by:Sure     2021-08-22
The term calibration has been used in classic instrument management, and now it is called calibration in metrology management. Calibration (Calibration) is the whole work of determining the indication error of measuring instruments (and determining other measuring performance if necessary). 1. The similarities and differences between calibration and verification Calibration and verification are two different concepts, but there is a close connection between the two. Calibration is generally used in classic instrument management and has always used the term 'calibration Calibration is the whole work of determining the indication error of measuring instruments (and determining other measuring performance if necessary). 1. The similarities and differences between calibration and verification Calibration and verification are two different concepts, but there is a close connection between the two. Calibration is generally performed by comparing a measuring instrument with higher accuracy than the calibrated measuring instrument (called a standard instrument) with the calibrated measuring instrument to determine the indication error of the calibrated measuring instrument. Sometimes it also includes part of the measurement performance, but it is often performed. The calibration measuring instrument only needs to determine the indication error. If calibration is the content of the indication error in the verification work, it can be said to be part of the verification work, but the calibration cannot be regarded as the verification, and the requirements of the calibration are not as good as The verification is so rigorous that the calibration work can be carried out at the production site, while the verification must be carried out in the verification room. Some people understand calibration as the process of adjusting the measuring instrument to the specified error range, which is not accurate enough. Although it can be adjusted during calibration, adjustment is not equal to calibration. 2. Basic requirements for calibration  The basic requirements for calibration are as follows:   (1) Environmental conditions If the calibration is carried out in the verification (calibration) room, the environmental conditions should meet the requirements of the laboratory for temperature and humidity. If the calibration is performed on site, the environmental conditions shall be subject to the conditions that can meet the on-site use of the instrument. (2) The error limit of the instrument used as a standard instrument for calibration should be 1/3~1/10 of the error limit of the calibration meter. (3) Although personnel calibration is different from verification, the personnel performing the calibration should also undergo effective assessment and obtain the corresponding qualification certificate. Only the certificate holder can issue a calibration certificate and a calibration report, and only such certificates and reports can be used. Think it is effective.
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