Under what circumstances should the pressure gauge be stopped

by:Sure     2021-08-23
The pressure gauge should be stopped in the following situations: 1. When there is no pressure on the pressure gauge with limited stop, the pointer cannot return to the stop nail after the pointer rotates. When there is no pressure on the pressure gauge without stop nail, the pointer zero value Exceed the allowable error specified by the pressure gauge. 2. The surface glass of the pressure gauge is broken or the dial scale is blurred. 3. The seal of the pressure gauge is damaged or exceeds the verification validity. The pressure gauge should be stopped in the following situations: 1. When the pressure gauge with limited nails is not under pressure, the pointer cannot return to the limit nail position after rotating, and there is no limit nail pressure. When the gauge is under pressure, the value of the zero position of the pointer exceeds the allowable error specified by the pressure gauge. 2. The surface glass of the pressure gauge is broken or the dial scale is blurred. 3. The seal of the pressure gauge is damaged or the validity period of the calibration is exceeded. 4. Leakage or pointer jump in the pressure gauge. 5. Other defects that affect the accurate indication of the pressure gauge.
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