Selection and analysis of temperature and humidity test equipment

by:Sure     2021-08-14
1) The production of temperature and humidity environmental test equipment has been in the machinery manufacturing industry for decades, and its basic technologies (such as refrigeration and heating) have matured. That is, with the progress and development of industrial technology, many new application technologies are continuously introduced into environmental test equipment, such as computer technology, fuzzy control theory, multi-box synchronous operation, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to give manufacturers the next one 1] The production of temperature and humidity environmental test equipment is a machinery manufacturing industry that has lasted for decades, and its basic technologies (such as refrigeration and heating) have matured. That is, with the progress and development of industrial technology, many new application technologies are continuously introduced into environmental test equipment, such as computer technology, fuzzy control theory, multi-chamber synchronous operation, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to give manufacturers a better one. Inferior arbitrary conclusions. The equipment produced by various manufacturers with decades of manufacturing experience can be used, and their working principles, applied technologies, and even structures and materials have many similarities. However, due to the 'multiple non-standard, multi-variety, and small-batch' production methods of environmental testing equipment, product reliability has always been a problem for domestic and foreign manufacturers. The key is that the manufacturer must have fine management, complete technology, complete testing methods, and be responsible for quality (such as passing the ISO9000 demonstration). At the same time, environmental testing equipment is a kind of durable goods. Some problems and design flaws can only be exposed after years of use. Only through statistical analysis can the problems be discovered. A mature, highly reliable product often requires years of improvement and perfection. Therefore, the environmental test equipment manufacturer has a certain production scale and production history, which is one of the necessary conditions for the product to have high reliability. 2) Quality control of the production process. The quality control of the domestic production process has been greatly improved. The quality control of the production process is related to the management level and production habits of the manufacturer. Passing the ISO9000 demonstration is a sign of the standardization of the quality control of the production process. Domestic and foreign manufacturers of temperature and humidity environmental test equipment have accumulated rich experience in the production of climate and environmental tests. What is provided is available for use and reliable in quality. As for which one should be selected and which model of product is more in line with the requirements, in addition to some of the principles and specific technical index requirements mentioned earlier in this article, there are also some factors worthy of attention and consideration. a) Performance/price ratio. On the basis of full verification of the technical parameters and reliability of environmental test equipment, cost performance is an important factor that should be considered. Without exception, the import of environmental testing equipment is sold domestically through agents. The price factor not only depends on the cost and profit of the manufacturer, but also contains many intermediate link costs and sales commissions. Under the same manufacturing cost, reducing intermediate costs is an important factor in lowering the order price. Products with related technical indicators in the same country have roughly the same manufacturing costs. Products produced in different countries (referring to Western developed countries) will not be too different even if there is a difference. . b) The degree and ability to meet user needs. The user orders a temperature and humidity environmental test box, and its requirements are different according to the needs of the product test. If there are three comprehensive test boxes, they are often used for product parts or components and environmental stress screening tests. At this time, the forced dehumidification capacity of the equipment and the additional air The possibility of the drying system is an item that users should focus on. If some users want to use the three comprehensive test box for environmental tests (such as damp heat test), the wind speed adjustability is a factor that must be considered. c) After-sales service and equipment failure handling capacity. It is impossible for any device to fail during use. Once a problem occurs, can the user enjoy timely maintenance services, or can quickly determine the troubleshooting method based on the device's own fault diagnosis capabilities, so that the device can recover its performance as soon as possible , Put it back into use. In this regard, domestic and foreign manufacturers have made or are making active efforts, such as establishing a quick-response maintenance team, such as adding diagnostic and fault warning system software to the computer control system, and users can use the information provided by the computer as soon as possible Deal with the fault.
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