Introduction of sensor detection system

by:Sure     2021-08-23
The concept of detection system is the product of the development of sensing technology to a certain stage. The detection system is an organic combination of sensors, measuring instruments, and conversion devices. In engineering practice, it is necessary to organically combine sensors and multiple measuring instruments to form a whole to complete signal detection, thus forming a detection system. With computer technology and information processing technology, the concept of detection system is the product of the development of sensor technology to a certain stage. The detection system is an organic combination of sensors, measuring instruments, and conversion devices. In engineering practice, it is necessary to organically combine sensors and multiple measuring instruments to form a whole to complete signal detection, thus forming a detection system. With the continuous development of computer technology and information processing technology, the content involved in the detection system has been continuously enriched. In the modern production process, the detection of process parameters is carried out automatically, that is, the detection task is automatically completed by the detection system, so it is necessary to study and master the composition and principle of the detection system. The sensor in the system is a device or device that senses the measured size and outputs the corresponding usable output signal. The data transmission link is used to transmit data. When several functional links of the detection system are separated independently, data must be transmitted from one place to another, and the data transmission link completes this transmission function. The data processing link is to process and transform the output signal of the sensor. For example, the signal is amplified, calculated, filtered, linearized, digital-to-analog (D/A) or analog-to-digital (D/A) conversion, converted into another parameter signal or a standardized unified signal, etc., to make the output signal It is easy to display and record, and it can also be connected to a computer system for information processing of the measurement signal or for automatic control of the system. ? The data display link turns the measured information into a form accepted by the human senses to achieve the purpose of monitoring, control or analysis. The measurement results can be displayed by analog or digital, and can be automatically recorded by a recording device or printed out by a printer. The purpose of measurement is to obtain the true value of the measured value through measurement. However, in the actual measurement process, due to various reasons, such as imperfect sensor performance, imperfect measurement method, external interference and human negligence, etc., the measured value of the measured parameter will be inconsistent with the true value, and the two are inconsistent. The degree is expressed by measurement error. Error is the difference between the measured value and the true value, and it reflects the accuracy of the measurement. ? With the development of science and technology, people have higher and higher requirements for measurement accuracy. It can be said that the value of measurement work depends on the accuracy of measurement. When the measurement error exceeds a certain limit, the measurement work and measurement results lose their meaning, and may even bring harm to the work. Therefore, the analysis and control of measurement errors has become an important aspect of measuring the level of measurement technology and even the level of science and technology. However, due to the inevitability and universality of the error, people can only control the error within the smallest possible range, but cannot completely eliminate it. On the other hand, the reliability of the measurement is also very important, and different occasions and different systems have different requirements for the reliability of the measurement results. For example, when the measured value is used as a control signal, attention should be paid to the stability and reliability of the measurement. Therefore, performance indicators such as measurement accuracy and reliability must be linked and adapted to the specific measurement purpose and requirements. In this way, the functions and characteristics of the sensor can be better utilized!
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