Analysis and solution of common faults of micro-displacement sensor

by:Sure     2021-08-02
1. After the grating micrometer sensor is docked with the digital display meter, the digital display meter does not display. The cause of the failure: ①The power supply is not connected (fuse is blown) ②The sensor output plug is in poor contact with the socket of the digital display meter: The above-mentioned inspection still cannot eliminate the fault, and the circuit of the digital display meter should be checked or sent to the manufacturer for repair. 2. The digital display meter works normally when the power is turned on, and the measuring rod is pushed, and the digital display does not show up. Causes of failure 1. After the grating micrometer sensor is docked with the digital display meter, the digital display meter does not display.   Failure reason: ①The power is not turned on (fuse is blown) ②The sensor output plug is in poor contact with the socket of the digital display meter: the above-mentioned inspection still cannot eliminate the fault, and the circuit of the digital display meter should be checked or sent to the manufacturer for repair.   2. The digital display is working normally when the power is turned on, and the measuring rod is pushed, the performance of the digital display does not show up.   Failure reason: Check whether the sensor has an output signal. If no output signal is an internal fault of the sensor, send it to the manufacturer for repair.    3. The digital display meter carries normal, and the display number flashes with stroboscopic frequency.   Failure reason: ①Check whether the output signal amplitude is too low (generally larger than 500mv)   ②Check whether the output signal waveform and phase are correct with an oscilloscope. If it is not correct, it is an internal fault of the sensor and send it to the manufacturer for repair.  ③Check whether the shielding wire is well grounded.
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